How we work
Once we‘ve given the ‘green light’ for your finance, our drawdown process is simple and easy-to-understand. You’ll receive a letter of offer from us, which includes our fee, your interest rate, your loan term and any conditions. We only work through mortgage advisors, we pay them up to 1% of the loan amount on drawdown.
Normally we will issue indicative terms to your adviser, they will present these to you for approval and you will pay a small fee – the amount of which will depend on the amount of the loan. This fee is refundable if DBR subsequently declines your application within the next 24-48 hours.
DBR will assess your application further, issue a formal offer depending on the amount of the loan maybe ask for a further deposit from you for us to commit the funds to you. The loan offer will mirror the indicative terms in relation to conditions precedent to drawdown unless something unusual has become apparent from the detailed analysis during credit approval.
Once we have issued a formal credit approved loan offer you will then sign the letter of offer and both parties are then committed to each other contractually. If the information presented to DBR at the time of approval is not accurate you run the risk of DBR charging the whole acceptance fee as the funds would have been allocated to your loan. Similarly if you decide not to proceed with the loan offer all of our fees are likely to be charged.
Our legal fees are payable by you, we can arrange a quote for you to review before you accept our loan offer. These fees range from $2,000 - $3,000 on smaller transactions and more as the loan amount increases. As a range they are approximate 0.1% of the loan amount however on smaller loans they’re $2,000 - $3,000 as mentioned above.
Repayment terms
On smaller loans we require a minimum of 30 days’ notice for early repayment. On larger loans over $4.0m we require 45 days’ notice.
We’re short-term property financiers, so our loan terms usually range from 3 to 12 months, providing you with time to finish your project, consolidate your position or refinance back to the bank.
Interest Rates
Our aim is to ensure our rates remain competitive, while retaining our fast-and-fair, solution-based approach. Our solutions and drawdowns are simple with funds easily accessible. Our rates are higher than a bank, however in the long run this ease and accessibility to funds can move you towards completion and the realisation of profits faster. Our fees are generally 2% - 2.5% plus the advisor’s fee. Depending on the term of your loan, our interest rates are 7.88% – 13.88%.